Digital Driver

Digital Driver Marketing

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is the largest social network by far, with 2 billion daily active users. It is also the cheapest way to increase your exposure to potential customers, making it perfect for Small Businesses. Our team of Facebook Advertising experts make sure your adverts are shown in front of the right audience at the right time which helps to increase conversions and generate sales.

Over 2 billion people are on Facebook and you can almost guarantee that your target customer is on there using it waiting for you to advertise to them. The Facebook Ad platform uses a highly targeted system that can pinpoint your customer to their likes, age and location for example, which is why you need to be using it for your business.

Facebook is still a cost-effective advertising channel to use despite it being used by most businesses and we have found the platform hugely beneficial for the majority of our clients whether it’s lead generation or e-commerce.

Owned by Facebook and used by over 150 million people, it’s no wonder Instagram is slowly creeping in on becoming one of the best mediums to advertise your business. Working hand in hand with Facebook, Instagram even has the ability to simultaneously share posts between the two platforms.  Much like Facebook, it is comprised of both image and video content and generally has a lower CPC (cost per click) particularly if your audience is made up of Millenials, making it an extremely targeted advertising platform.


We can deliver an impeccable return on investment for your business

Our extremely accomplished Facebook specialists have a high-performance history and know-how to achieve the best results

We are on hand day and night and you will never struggle to get in touch with us

We pride ourselves on our effective communication whether it’s phone calls, emails or simply Whatsapp messages. You will never be left in the dark!

We cover the entire marketing spectrum specifically for small businesses

All of our services are designed to compliment each other whether it’s implementing abandoned cart emails to drive sales on Facebook or taking advantage of Google Ads, our team is here to help!


Ad Copy

We implement effective ad copy which resonates with potential customers.


We manage your spending to ensure maximum ROAS


We select the right imagery to build a lasting impression and convert customers.

Campaign Setup

We manage your campaign from start to finish whether that's selecting the right objective to choosing who to target.

A/B Testing

We test content, imagery & audiences to ensure your campaigns deliver great results.


We uncover key insights through analyzing and tracking your ad accounts.

Pixel Installation

We ensure your pixel is installed and tracking events correctly

CRM Integration

We can connect your CRM to Facebook to ensure every lead is captured and managed.

Take the next step in growing your business using digital marketing. Connect with one of our expert digital strategists to learn how Digital Driver can help you reach your business goals.


Facebook Lead Ads were first launched in 2015 and they are one of the most efficient ways to generate leads. Relinquishing the need for a landing page, lead ads allow you to keep the user on Facebook whilst obtaining important information such as their name, email address and phone number.

Most importantly, you can also qualify leads through the use of custom questions so they are great for service based businesses who want to find out more information about potential customers before they pick up the phone and speak to them.

Here at Digital Driver, we can help you create a lead generation campaign that is designed to reach people at the right time across any device including mobile.


With over one billion active users every month, Facebook Messenger has become an integral part of Social Networking. With so many people using the app, it was only a matter of time before Facebook introduced a way for businesses to capitalise on this audience and start to generate revenue.

So how can Messenger help your Business?

Well it all starts with your customers. Here’s a couple of ways we can help you take advantage of Facebook Messenger;

Generate Leads – Start conversations directly in Messenger to learn more about potential customers using predetermined questions.

Nurture Potential Customers – Drive people to relevant pages on your website or answering frequently asked questions with automated responses.

Increase Sales – Show potential customers images or videos to help them learn more about your products or services.

Plus, the great thing about Messenger is it offers a much more personalised approach to marketing due to its conversational nature. In fact, Messenger is outperforming Email by far with an incredible 80% open rate and a 40% increase in click through rates on average.

Get in Touch with Our Team Today

If you are interested in getting more details on our various marketing services, feel free to use the form below to reach out!